The Secret To Finding Creativity In An Uncreative Job
We often think that creativity is reserved for artistic pursuits. Even in agencies, "creative" often means those who work on design and copywriting.
But creativity isn't owned by any role, department or job description; it's a process that everyone goes through.
Inspiring magazine for printmaking. Now that I started doing screenprints, definitely worth taking a look at this.
Full Page Screenshots in Browsers
It can be quite useful to get a "full page" screenshot in a browser. That is, not just the visible area. The visible area is pretty easy to get just by screenshotting the screen. A full page screenshot captures the entire web site even if it needs to be scrolled around to see all of it.
Challenge Yourself More Often By Creating Artwork Every Day
The user persona is one of the most valuable tools in your UX toolbox. These imagined people allow your entire design or development team to envision a single user story or an entire set of stories in the back of their minds as they work, creating a product that is better tailored to its users and more likely to enjoy success.
Everyone knows: there is not the second chance to make the first impression. In the sphere of digital products, this eternal truth works in terms of high competition and incredible diversity. No doubt, some zones of the webpage or mobile screen are particularly important and effective in this aspect. Today we are going to discuss one of them in deeper focus: the header of the website.