Daily Links

Category: Web Standards

Aug 29

Cheatsheets, Guides & Docs for Web Designers

A collection of useful cheatsheets, references, guides, checklists and docs, covering almost all aspects of web design.   https://envato.com/blog/cheatsheets-web-designers/

Mar 25

Why your site needs to be mobile friendly

Why your site needs to be mobile friendly before April 21st. 2015. Test your site with this tool developed by Google   http://goo.gl/uVB0gD

Mar 13

Code guide

Code guide - Standards for developing flexible, durable and sustainable HTML and CSS written by @mdo.   http://mdo.github.io/code-guide/

May 14

Styleguide & Boilerplate Patterns

Common Patterns in Styleguides, Boilerplates and Pattern Libraries   http://blog.cloudfour.com/common-patterns/

Apr 13

iOS App Icon Template

App Icon Template that, through Smart Objects in Photoshop, attempts to automate the process of rendering the various sizes that needs to be bundled with iOS Apps   http://appicontemplate.com/

Apr 13

Style guide Starbucks

A style guide for the responsive redesign of Starbucks   http://www.starbucks.com/static/reference/styleguide/

Oct 11

The Big Web Show: Dan Cederholm

Great interview with Dan Cederholm about design projects, Dribbble and publishing.   http://5by5.tv/bigwebshow/22

Jul 12


About the CSS evolution and the need for good (Adobe) software for web designers.   http://www.zeldman.com/2010/07/05/an-indesign-for-html-and-css/

Jun 07

Safari technologies demos

View the examples and learn how to use web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to deliver rich experiences in your website.   http://developer.apple.com/safaridemos/

Apr 30

Safari Web Content Guide

A comprehensive guide for creating compatible web content using webstandards   http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/SafariWebContent.pdf

Apr 29

Steve Jobs toughts on Flash

Apple's CEO Steve Jobs gives his view on Adobe's Flash and the future of online mobile content with web standards.   http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/

Apr 13

An Introduction to HTML5

An Introduction to HTML5 by Jeremy Keith. (Presentation slides)   http://adactio.com/extras/slides/html5onlineconf/

Nov 14

Bauhaus Ideology and the Future of Web Design

insightful analysis and parallel between the web design practice and the art movement Bauhaus, written by Simon Collison   http://colly.com/comments/bauhaus_ideology_and_the_future_of_web_design/

Aug 12


Doctype is a free question and answer site for web designers. You can get fast solutions to your CSS, HTML, web design and email design problems.   http://doctype.com/

Mar 09

Bene webdesign on CSS Glance

Our website was featured on CSS Glance. Thanks xx   http://www.cssglance.com/gallery/bene/

Mar 04

Opera articles on webdesign

The developer section of the Opera browser has comprehensive and well explained tutorials on the use of HTML, CSS, Javascript and webdesign in general. A great resource for everyone building websites.   http://dev.opera.com/articles/

Mar 03

Making you faster

Opera is a fast and flexible browser. The next version of Opera looks really promising. Opera has made the fastest browser in the world even faster with superior support for Web standards. Opera is quicker to start, faster at loading Web pages and better at running your favorite Web applications.   http://www.opera.com/

Feb 25

Fluid 960 Grid System

Nice template website for rapid interactive prototyping websites.   http://designinfluences.com/fluid960gs/

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