Daily Links

Category: Mobile

Mar 12


Udacity has a big list of free courses that cover today's developer skills   https://eu.udacity.com/courses/all

Jan 31

Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

Some code snippets to showcase what Bootstrap 4 has to offer.   https://speckyboy.com/bootstrap-4-code-snippets/

Nov 11

Frontend Guidelines Questionnaire

A one-page questionnaire to help your team establish effective frontend guidelines, so that you can write consistent & cohesive code together by Brad Frost.   https://github.com/bradfrost/frontend-guidelines-questionnaire

Sep 07

Front-End Developer Handbook

A guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development.   http://www.frontendhandbook.com/

Sep 06

Understanding CSS3 Flexbox for Responsive Design

The fundamentals of CSS flexbox usage   https://envato.com/blog/css3-flexbox/

Aug 30

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist   https://medium.com/swlh/how-technology-hijacks-peoples-minds-from-a-magician-and-google-s-design-ethicist-56d62ef5edf3#.5nagkpc46

Aug 29

Cheatsheets, Guides & Docs for Web Designers

A collection of useful cheatsheets, references, guides, checklists and docs, covering almost all aspects of web design.   https://envato.com/blog/cheatsheets-web-designers/

Apr 27

Optimizing SVGs

Tools And Resources For Editing, Converting And Optimizing SVGs, some quick tips   https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/04/tools-and-resources-for-editing-converting-and-optimizing-svgs/

Apr 24

Becoming a designer who codes: the making of a unicorn

Becoming a designer who codes: the making of a unicorn   http://blog.invisionapp.com/becoming-a-designer-who-codes/

Apr 23

Screen Siz.es

A handy table of popular device screen dimensions and other important information   http://screensiz.es/phone

Apr 23


A beautiful collection of the best mobile design resources and inspiration   http://pttrns.com/

Apr 23


Font inspiration, recommendations, and resources   http://www.typewolf.com/

Apr 23

Flat UI Design

A showcase of standout web designs using the flat UI style   http://fltdsgn.com/

Mar 25

Why your site needs to be mobile friendly

Why your site needs to be mobile friendly before April 21st. 2015. Test your site with this tool developed by Google   http://goo.gl/uVB0gD

Jan 14

9 basic principles of responsive web design

Some basic principles of responsive web design.   http://blog.froont.com/9-basic-principles-of-responsive-web-design/

Apr 26

Learn Responsive Design

10 weeks of hands-on training by Zurb University   http://zurb.com/university/responsive-design?

Apr 25

Type Scale

Type scale is a handy online tool for Visual Type scale with a CSS generator - made by Jeremy Church   http://type-scale.com/

Apr 21

Snap SVG

Snap.svg is a brand new JavaScript library for working with SVG, for animating and manipulating both existing SVG content, and SVG content generated with Snap.   http://snapsvg.io/

Mar 10


Article by Trent Walton about responsive design   http://trentwalton.com/

Feb 17

iOS Icon Gallery

Beautiful gallery with iOS icons. Original!   http://iosicongallery.com

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