Daily Links

Category: CMS

Dec 02

Craft CMS conference: Dot all

Inspiring talks from the Dot All 2018 conference in Berlin. Too bad I couldn't join this conference.   https://craftcms.com/blog/dot-all-2018-videos

Nov 30

Up and Running with Craft 3

This course covers the basics you need to know to get started using Craft 3 for your website. Learn how to install Craft, how to configure a site in the Control Panel, best practices for templates, the basics of using Twig, and how to use special fields like Matrix, Categories, and Entries. It's the getting started guide you need!   https://craftquest.io/courses/craft-cms-3-tutorials

Apr 24

Becoming a designer who codes: the making of a unicorn

Becoming a designer who codes: the making of a unicorn   http://blog.invisionapp.com/becoming-a-designer-who-codes/

Aug 10

The ExpressionEngine 2 Client Guide

Handy, rebrandable ExpressionEngine client guide, second edition   http://headspacedesign.ca/blog/entry/the-expressionengine-2-client-guide-is-here/

Jan 30

Responsive CP

Responsive CP is a custom ExpressionEngine theme that makes your control panel work better with mobile devices as well as look more professional. It also allows you to easily add your logo to the bottom of the control panel (good for branding client sites).   http://www.putyourlightson.net/responsive-cp

Dec 08

An interview with Simon Collison

Simon Collison talks about his activities as designer, thinker, writer, speaker and conference organizer   http://expressionengine.com/blog/entry/an_interview_with_simon_collison

Nov 05

EE snippets

Paste and share your EE code snippets.   http://www.eesnippets.com/

Jun 17

ExpressionEngine 2.0 Ready Add-ons

Devot:ee list of ExpressionEngine 2.0 Ready Add-ons   http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/ee2/

Jun 16

Integrating a design into EE

Excellent talk on the ExpressionEngine Podcast about the integration of a design into EE.   http://5by5.tv/eepodcast/20

Feb 03

Colly’s new blog design

Simon Collison (re)designed his blog, a beautiful piece of art.   http://www.colly.com

Jan 17

40 Excellent Websites Showcasing Expression Engine

A collection of 40 excellent websites showcasing Expression Engine.   http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2010/01/40-excellent-websites-showcasing-expression-engine/

Jan 13

ExpressionEngine and CodeIgniter Conference

EECI will be held in San Francisco, May 31 - June 2, 2010. Lots of brilliant speakers on the list...   http://www.eeci2010.com/

Dec 10

ExpressionEngine 2.0: A quick Start Guide

Ryan Irelan wrote an e-book with hands-on examples and expert advice for ExpressionEngine 2.0   http://eequickstartguide.com/

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